Mission Statement:
The St. Ambrose Catholic School Community, through the grace, teachings and example of Jesus Christ, provides its students with a spiritual and academic foundation from which to achieve excellence.
Philosophy Statement:
The St. Ambrose Catholic School community professes belief in God the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit as the foundation of lives. As a community, we provide an environment in which children seek their full spiritual and academic potential. At St. Ambrose Catholic School, students receive a Christ-centered, challenging, and loving education in order to excel and reach our ultimate goals of evangelization, lifelong learning and heaven.

School Motto:
Live your faith, hope fiercely, love greatly!
Evangelization, Lifelong Learning and Heaven
We are C.A.T.S. –
C-Community Builders who serve God.
A-Achieve Academic Excellence,
T-Take Initiative and are
S- Spiritually Active Christians
In all that we do at St. Ambrose Catholic School, we strive to live out our School Mission, as expressed in our Philosophy, Root Beliefs, Motto, Goals and SLEs, so that as students leave
St. Ambrose, they are able to live out our
Core Values throughout their lives.